Monday, June 2, 2008

Sadee Has A Boyfriend?

After attending a barbeque with some friends last night, Dave and I discovered how extensive Sadee's social skills are and what adventures we have to look forward to with her in the future... or maybe now. After meeting my the kids of my friends family, Sadee decided to go and play with not the one her age (6), not the the older one(8), but the oldest boy, 12-years old! And you should have seen it. She was giggling in her little peach skirt and flip flops with her blond curls just bouncing around, all the while supporting this boy in his baseball game. Her dad and I stood back, speechless, as she smiled and teased this poor kid. Derek's dad said it best when he looked over to us laughing and exclaimed "That cutie is quite the flirt!" To make a long story short she chased him, tackled him, and even tried to kiss him, and after all the fun while walking away, said "Bye boyfriend."
Anyone up for rally forces with me when this kid starts dating??? HELP!!!


Krista said...

Haha! That cracks me up! I think you have your hands full with that little girl. She is a cutie though!

AO said...

OH MY GOSH! I need to hear more on those story in person....I'll have to call you but that is so hilarious. I fear for you in 10 years :)

jeffandbrianne said...

Well you can add Jeff and Brianne to the forces but the birds and bees talk must be coming soon. HAHAHAH, we laughed so hard.

The Flynn's said...

Um, seriously...I'd be worried about that girl! Must get it from her mom.

Larsen said...

Well it appears taht your other friends think that she gets this behavior from you. "Kari, no, not Kari" I thought.

Perhaps I am way off base when it comes to how well I know you!

See you soon!
