Halloween is just so fun! Every year I think of all the fun things our family can do to make October special. This year we visited the pumpkin patch, decorated our home, read spooky stories, and made way too many treats! Thursday I took the day off work to spend the day in Kindergarten with Sadee. Friday our school danced the Thriller
(sidenote- we will be on TV on Sunday night, channel 3, at 5:30 and 10:00pm) and I chapperoned the dance- too funny. It made me think back to 8th grade dances. You know, where everyone WANTS to dance but no one really does? Lots of memories there. We also did the classic Trunk or Treat and then had friends over for a night of ghoolish fun. Food, games and even the classic
Charlie Brown and the Great Pumpkin. Sadee went as Cleopatra, Ava Pocahontas, Dave the Mexican Moffia and myself, a flapper. We cracked up at all of the adult costumes. Below are the pics- I also included a video of Dave bobbing for apples. I think I disturbed my kids as I forced his head into the water. It was really funny.