Sunday, April 5, 2009

HUGE props to P90X

I have NEVER had back muscle, nor the ability to do pull-ups in my ENTIRE life.... until Tony Horton, the P90X master. I was shocked how much back definition I have after faithfully doing pull-ups this year.

And the best part? This August I have morning workouts at convention with the dude. I will thanking that man in person.

Do your pull-ups... THEY WORK!!!!


Matt and Jessie said...

My brother just bought that. I will have to tell him it works. How many days a week do you do that? You make me want to do better for sure!
I am getting excited for Salt Lake. Less than 2 weeks now! I hope the weather will be nice. Who know since we had a blizzard on Friday and T-shirt weather today. Maybe we can start running outside here soon! That is if I can keep up.

lexie said...

Holy cow! Nice! I am jealous! It makes me almost want to join Spencer when he does his p90x. Almost!

Larsen said...

Woman, you could whip me one. I will never pick to be in a fight with you!!!

Hope you guys had a nice weekend.


AO said...

Wow.... that's all I can say, I'm speechless.

Camille said...

Hey I was just wondering if Ava would like to come over sometime and play with Lilly. She keeps begging me to have a friend over to play tea party and dress up and all those fun things.
Let me know.

My blog is private but my email is

jeffandkim said...

Whoa look at you! Are you the next Kristy? Do people come to your work-out classes in hopes of somehow looking JUST like you after that ONE class?? You've seriously got some MAD back muscles girl! Good job!