I have NEVER had back muscle, nor the ability to do pull-ups in my ENTIRE life.... until Tony Horton, the P90X master. I was shocked how much back definition I have after faithfully doing pull-ups this year.
And the best part? This August I have morning workouts at convention with the dude. I will thanking that man in person.
Do your pull-ups... THEY WORK!!!!
My brother just bought that. I will have to tell him it works. How many days a week do you do that? You make me want to do better for sure!
I am getting excited for Salt Lake. Less than 2 weeks now! I hope the weather will be nice. Who know since we had a blizzard on Friday and T-shirt weather today. Maybe we can start running outside here soon! That is if I can keep up.
Holy cow! Nice! I am jealous! It makes me almost want to join Spencer when he does his p90x. Almost!
Woman, you could whip me one. I will never pick to be in a fight with you!!!
Hope you guys had a nice weekend.
Wow.... that's all I can say, I'm speechless.
Hey I was just wondering if Ava would like to come over sometime and play with Lilly. She keeps begging me to have a friend over to play tea party and dress up and all those fun things.
Let me know.
My blog is private but my email is camille@mcjpics.com.
Whoa look at you! Are you the next Kristy? Do people come to your work-out classes in hopes of somehow looking JUST like you after that ONE class?? You've seriously got some MAD back muscles girl! Good job!
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