Friday, July 25, 2008


I am asking for your help. While preparing for what I think (I hope) will be the funnest job around (7th grade PE) I realized I don't think I enjoyed 7th grade PE myself! Why? Didn't like playing the same game over and over and hated dressing down in public.

So, while I can't fix the dressing down issue (we are stronger from those junior high experiences right?), I can plan for a fun/active experience in PE.

Here is where you come in. Tell me what you LOVED and what you didn't love about JH PE.



Bean said...

Kari, I loved playing soccer, basketball, all kinds of sports. I hated having to do headstands and all of that. I loved playing kickball, and learning about flag football.
By the way, thanks for saving my life the other day!!!!

Larsen said...

I have no memory of JH PE. Sad, I suppose, but oh well. There are many reasons I scrapbook now. For my memory is one of them.

jeffandbrianne said...

I loved playing sports and sports of all kind. I was very competitive in PE so I loved the tournaments. Play normal sports though, I wasn't a fan of all the crazy sports. Mostly coming from a boys opinion.

jeffandbrianne said...

From Brianne, coming from a girl's perspective I did not like playing sports with the boys at that age. They don't let you play and if you mess up you feel stupid in front of the boy you like. I would rather play the sports girls on girls and would have loved it.

AO said...

I hated the teacher, Miss Owens. I felt like too much of it was just sitting around.... but I think combined sports would be more fun. I have NO doubt you will be a great teacher, no matter waht you do!

Krista said...

I can't really remember JH PE either. I do agree with Alisa though and think that a lot of time was spent sitting around and was boring. I think it would have been fun to do relay races or obstacle courses with the skills in the curriculum.

Anonymous said...

Badmitton. Loved badmitton.

Whitney said...

P.E was fun I guess, but when you have a creepy guy teacher who would spy on the girls while they were dressing, that's not what I consider FUN!! But I liked playing the sports I was good at, which wasn't much. I liked track day. We did several track events one day outside, like relay races, sprints, long jump, mile run etc. I LOVED IT!!!