Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Hair Update... not really

So I chickened out and didn't ACTUALLY venture out and do something new with my hair. I did add highlights though. Sadee took the honors of capturing the change on camera.


Check this conversation out- Like mom like daughter.... literally!

Sadee "Mom, what is your favorite food?"

Me " Um, have to say cookies."

Sadee "That isn't a real food. It is just a fun food."

Me "True, but it is still my favorite."

Ava "Mine is chocolate."

Sadee "Then I call fruit snacks!" (she has said this since a year old. I have included a picture of Sadee from WAY back when I locked the cupboard because that is SERIOUSLY ALL she would eat.)

Yes people, we have a sugar problem. I am WELL aware of that. :)


Lora said...

Sounds familiar! You aren't the only one that has had a fruit snack problem with a child.

AO said...

Love it, love it. I totally think most kids have a thing for fruit snacks, even big kids :)

Brian and Marnae Powell Family said...

I am totally on this one. I have always loved your hair the natural color with the natural curl! But since I have the same hair just dark brown I understand the need for change. I love it in the picture! I always wish I thought mine was as cute as I think other people's is though!!!