On whether the changes Dave and I spent hours on will make our life easier or not.
Change #1- The girls have shared a room their whole lives and most recently been in bunks. Due to EXTREME arguing and Sadee not being able to go to bed reasonably for all-day school drove us to give up our extra room and split the girls up. Sadee has been thrilled and extremely proud of "her room", keeping it exceptional clean and organized (something we didn't think Sadee had in her). Ava on the other hand has mostly been disappointed, complaining she has the "same old room", with lots about missing her sister.
Sorry Ava, keeping Sadee up at night because YOU still take a late nap just takes priority over sister bonding right now.
So now we have this....
and this...
Change #2
I love the Apple but am REALLY tired of having to drive there and back(20+ min drive) in winter weather just to use a tredmill. If Idaho would have more than 4 months of warm weather this wouldn't have been issue, but alas, that is what it is so I we broke down and bought one. I admit it was joyous that my 50 min run only took 50 minutes! Not 90 minutes. Plus I watched my kids play while I ran. Way nice. It will also help me when Dave leaves town for weeks for work. HOWEVER, I still look forward to nice roads to run outside, which I think is FAR superior to a machine.
But until then, I must get crackin'. My friend that I would run with in Utah accomplished OUR goal from 2 years ago- a half marathon in under 90 minutes. I have yet to. I would love for that to happen THIS YEAR.
Seems like we made some positive changes.... hopefully. :)
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6 hours ago
Yes, we have tried the sharing room thign too! Our problem was endless play into the wee hours regardless of our threats and promises. Ironnically we are going to try having the girls share a room starting TONIGHT! So reading your blog about it makes me nervous about it workign.
Guess we will see!
Cute rooms for the girls. TOTALLY JEALOUS of your treadmill! Nice changes :)
Sadee and Ava's rooms are so cute! I bet it is nice having a treadmill at your house. I want to invest in a workout machine someday.
So fun to see their own rooms. I can just imagine how hard Ava is taking it, but maybe once she doesn't nap, they can combine rooms again :) If it makes you feel better, a coworker of mine has 4 boys in the SAME room at her house. 2 sets of bunk beds.
It is good that you are so dedicated, if I do not go to the gym, I put it off all day and I don't go.
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