Ok, I love Idaho, don't get me wrong, but lately I have been feeling really deprived of options when it comes to the grocery store-
CAN THERE JUST BE A TRADER JOES EVEN SORT OF CLOSE?!!! like within a state close? I am telling you I am VERY jealous of any of you who live near one. I don't think you appreciate the greatness. I would even take a Good Earth or Wild Oats- anything besides Winco and Walmart.
So I'm blogging this in search of a way to get the products. Can I find them online? Can I have them shipped to me from the store?
Kristin- will you come and visit me with a truckload of goods.
Abby- you intensified this issue by posting such AMAZING ideas on your blog.
I am pathetic I know, but Wealth of Health isn't cuttin' it these days.
I LOVE Trader Joe's. When I was in Utah I asked them if they shipped and they said no. It would be awesome if they did. I used to buy like 10 packets of dried unsweetened mangoes for 1.99/pkg b/c they are so good, but I had no self control and would eat a 5 serv pkg in one sitting and have a stomach ache for a couple days. Thanks for adding me to your blog roll, I am really enjoying doing this blogging thing. When we move back to Utah this summer we need to get together, Jason's family is in Pocatello.
I am having the same problem lately, I wishing I lived in a bigger city.I grew up back east for 1/2 of my life so far. However, I like the little town thing. Maybe I should move to the suburbs.
Hey! I found your blog off of Gina's. I second you on the wish for a Trader Joes. When I lived in California I shopped there on a weekly basis.
PS-I just wanted to mention that Erinn Randall and I are running in the Salt Lake half marathon in April if you have any interest in doing it with us. Not sure if we can keep up with you, but we could try!
I SWEAR I heard someone that got mailed to them Trader Joe's. Where are they at and I can see if I have any friends willing to shop for you :)
Oh man, I am so with you on Trader Joe's. Mmmm...so yummy! They don't ship from their website. It's lame! If you want stuff that doesn't perish, two of my mom's sisters live in Tucson and I am sure they could mail you some stuff.
I miss Trader Joe's so much.
Wealth of Health DOESN'T cut it.
I hear you.
Lets open one up. Is it a franchise??
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