Sunday, March 15, 2009

The 1:30 HOLE

Poor little Sadee had quite the fall today in primary. Trying to stand by mom at the piano she tripped and got a mouth full of the corner of the bench. She stood up immediately with wide eyes and only seconds later the blood began. Two loose teeth and a hole is what she is left with. I guess her mouth must have been open because that bench corner punctured straight through her gum line. OUCH!!

The dentist says she'll heal up with no stiches... thankfully.


AO said...

Whoa... I made Ryan sick by looking at the hole.... but I feel so bad for Sadee! But, hey, at least the tooth fairy can come early.

jeffandbrianne said...

Holy cow! Poor little Sad! That looks quite painful. Darling picture of the girls though.

jeffandbrianne said...

Tell Sadee to get well soon. We love her and wish her the best in the healing of her hole.

Matt and Jessie said...

That looks soooooooo painful! I hope she is doing better today. Oh, by the way I saw your 10K in 39 minutes. You are totally gonna win for sure! I can't believe how fast you are. You rock!

The Wayments said...

From the dental family...that is pretty common for little ones. She probably just saved you some money. The thing that is torn is called a frenum and some kids have to have thiers clipped...her teeth will probably thighten up. Poor thing. OUCH! Carson swallowed a scrw last monday...having things happen to your kids is about 10 times worse than to yourself.

Larsen said...

Okay, gross, but WOWZA, that looks painful!

Thanks again for taking Cate!

Mouth wounds heal the fastest, they say.

Krista said...

Ouch! That's good that she didn't have to have stitches though. :-)

Red Head Family said...

Poor girl. Glad she'll be OK. Thanks fro the links of your blog-I love Hiptosave!!! Looking forward to tball.