Monday, March 30, 2009

Friends Really ARE that important

Follow along with me as I recount the 4 o'clock hour at our house today. We had been on errands most of the day, spending most of the afternoon at Grandma Johnson. Ava was asleep in the car, I was unloading groceries and Sadee, well... Sadee was divising a plan. She wanted any and all the kids outside to be drawn to our house to play.

Sadee- "Mom, Danica and Brighton just said what's up and then road away on their bikes. They aren't coming back mom."
Me- "Just ride your bike. We only have 30 minutes till, yes, we have to leave again. (she hates hearing that)

Sadee- ok.

After unloading groceries I notice a strange connoction of random things in our garage now out on the pavement. I am curious.

Me- What ya doing Sad?

Sadee- I am tired of having no friends. I setting up something so fun and so intriguing (she really said that) that all those kids will come here and play.

Mom- Do you think it will work? (trying to not critize her)

Sadee- I hope so, cause I'm jealous. (wow, very open with that one) And I don't think the kids like me. ( sad huh)
me- I think they're just busy with some project or other get-together already. Your a great friend. Most people like you honey.

Sadee- I think it's changed so i am taking my friends back... I can't talk mom. I have to keep thinking.
Seriously... did I say the right thing? She is only 6... it's already starting


jeffandbrianne said...

Whenever she is at a party she has tons of people to play with. Tell her both Jeff and Brianne are her friends.

Larsen said...

They are doing great here, so hopefully it will pass--the feeling of not having friends to play with. And I think it will really be helpful, not critizing here promise, when she goes to Discovery and sees the kids every day. Ya know?

I think we all feel like Sadee does though at times. Friendless, right?

The Wayments said...

The joy/scariness of kids growing up. It is so nice when they are little and at home and you can protect them from everything. I have a quote on my blog that says,"Making the decision to have a child in monumentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside of your body." You handled that perfectly. Sometimes, I think we hurt worse than they do. you are a great mom with beautiful girls.

Lora said...

It is all just beginning... I know from all of our girl drama around here. You handled it great! What a cutie~ It is amazing what goes through their heads at such a young age.

AO said...

Oh my gosh! Tell Sadee Collin and I want to be her friend...that is so funny how adult she is and how smart and cognizant of others. But, I think it is important to teach people that sometimes people just are too busy or sometimes people don't want to be your friends, but I think you said the right thing.